
2019年11月27日 星期三

聖經金句 Golden Bible Verse

 聖經金句 Golden Bible Verse

 詩篇 Psalm 16 : 5
耶和華是我的產業,是我杯中的分 ; 我所得的,你為我持守。
LORD , you have assigned me my portion and my cup ; you have made my lot secure .
 詩篇 Psalm 18 : 2
The LORD is my rock , my fortress and my deliverer ; my God is my rock , in whom I take refuge .
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation , my stronghold .
 詩篇 Psalm 23 : 1
The LORD is my shepherd , I shall not be in want .
 詩篇 Psalm 28 : 7
耶和華是我的力量,是我的盾牌 ; 我心裏倚靠他就得幫助。
The LORD is my strength and my shield ; my heart trusts in him , and I am helped .
 詩篇 Psalm 46 : 1
God is our refuge and strength , an ever-present help in trouble .
 詩篇 Psalm 118 : 14
耶和華是我的力量,是我的詩歌 ; 他也成了我的拯救。
The LORD is my strength and my song ; he has become my salvation .
 詩篇 Psalm 119 : 57
耶和華是我的福分 ; 我曾說,我要遵守你的言語。
You are my portion , O LORD ; I have promised to obey your words .  

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