■ 聖經金句 – 以賽書亞 49 : 24
– 25 ( Isaiah 49 : 24 - 25 )
◆ 勇士搶去的豈能奪回
? 該擄掠的豈能解救嗎 ? 但耶和華如此說:“ 就是勇士所擄掠的,也可以奪回;強暴人所搶的,也可以解救。與你相爭的,我必與他相爭;我要拯救你的兒女。”
◆ Can plunder be taken from warriors , or
captives rescued from the fierce ? But this is what the LORD says : “ Yes , captives will be taken from warriors , and plunder retrieved
from the fierce ; I will contend with those who contend with you , and your
children I will save . ”
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